So i’ve set up a custom domain to use with protonmail and was curious if anyone else uses the catch all in this manner.

I was thinking that when a new account is created on $website I would use a custom email address that would then be caught by the ‘catch-all’. So say the domain is, and the website is, then when signing up I would use [email protected]. Previously when using gmail I would use [email protected].

Does anyone see any issues doing it this way? Thanks!

    10 months ago

    Assuming ProtonMail supports catch-all (I don’t use Proton), this is fine and a typical use of the catch-all. You may get weird looks when you give a business their name back as your email, and if anyone figures out that you have a catch-all they might just spam you regardless, at any email address they want, e.g. “[email protected]”. I would add a string of numbers/letters at the end, like “[email protected]” so you can be sure when someone sells your email.

    All said, it’s a little bit weak to any determined adversary. Any human who figures out your plan can easily start playing around with it - Target may sell your email as “[email protected]” and you’ll never know who sold it.

    Edit: Also, you’re trivial to track across different accounts if anyone figures out that you own the email domain.

    • @billygoatOPA
      110 months ago

      Makes sense. I’m not too worried about privacy in that regard considering bad actors are going to do what they do. This was more for the automated systems, plus I don’t see how it would be any less privacy focused than just a standard email + aliases.