So i’ve set up a custom domain to use with protonmail and was curious if anyone else uses the catch all in this manner.

I was thinking that when a new account is created on $website I would use a custom email address that would then be caught by the ‘catch-all’. So say the domain is, and the website is, then when signing up I would use [email protected]. Previously when using gmail I would use [email protected].

Does anyone see any issues doing it this way? Thanks!

  • @billygoatOPA
    110 months ago

    huh, I never knew you could use delimiters other than +. That is a good thing to know.

    I think I’ll just stick with using aliases with a delimiter.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      You can’t. It is not an official alias. That is the point. So they will be seen as separate accounts. But I forward everything to he same account. Have to configure it for every email address. This way I keep a whitelist.