“Americans are rightfully concerned when very wealthy families use loopholes and accounting strategies to avoid paying their fair share,” Wyden said. These people “didn’t even bother.”

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    washington state just had its first payments on its new 7% capital gains tax on all stock and commodity sales over $250,000.00.

    of the 3100 people that paid the tax … they paid out OVER $800,000,000.00 to washington state.

    There are still ~2500 people that own have yet to file and pay in the state.

    So ~6000 people are hoarding at least $1,500,000,000.00 in washington state alone. Billions just sitting there in the hands of basically a few thousand people.

    Fuck your sales tax.

    Tax the fuck out of the rich.

  • frog 🐸
    249 months ago

    Here’s your daily reminder that when rich people talk about those on benefits as being lazy, feckless scroungers who just want to sponge off the hard work of others… it is 100% a projection.

  • @[email protected]
    169 months ago

    I kind of feel like willfully cheating on your taxes should be punished the way you’d be punished for stealing from every single resident of the country.

    Ok, it’s 30 days community service for stealing a few hundred bucks… times 300 million people who were robbed. Get fucked, rich people.

    I said willfully because our tax system is complicated and I don’t want someone to get hanged because they legitimately didn’t understand it.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      We shouldn’t even be filing taxes. You should just receive a bill the govt calculates every year (with the data they already have), and then when you don’t pay it they seize your assets.

      The rich are rich because they have all the land and all the stuff built on top of that land. It’s literally impossible to hide those. All of the stocks and derivatives and abstractions ultimately depend on real-world assets.

  • Maeve
    109 months ago

    No no, it’s the single parent living in their car who relies on food benefits.

    Can we just call USA a kleptocracy now?

  • @[email protected]
    109 months ago

    Cheaper to lobby some Republikan congressmen to underfund the IRS than to pay their fair share.

    • flatbield
      59 months ago

      This is the thing that really makes the GOP look nuts. Always talking about not enough money then they either cut taxes or refuse to fund the IRS to actually collect them from the biggest cheaters.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    It’s been going on since the founding fathers signed the eclaration eclaration of independence. They were all landowners and some even had slaves. The Constitution was written not for equality or the redistribution of wealth but for the rich, landowners to keep it and keep everyone else away from it.

    It’s become more obvious now as wealth has grown so incremently with the top 3% having more than some countries and are now at the point of untouchable, able to control so much of what’s happening should be no surprise.

    Europe did it when first colonialized the New World, claiming Manifest Destiny taking land, wiping out civilizations of people all under the name of god.

    It’s generational with the belief to not trust the government. They’re trying to take it from you.

    While one side tells you they’re trying to take it from you, the other side is telling you, they’re trying to take it from you.

    The problem is, they are.

    • ArtZuron
      39 months ago

      Also important to note that it was aristocrats that started and perpetrated the war to begin with. They weren’t just opportunistically jumping in to get their piece, but were the cause of the conflict to begin with. They didn’t want to be beholden to the crown, when they could just make their own country that they could design from the ground up to be exploitable.

      The war was unpopular, attrition was high, and Washington was a blowhard. He killed more of his own soldiers than the British did. He was a drunkard and mediocre commander and only ended up winning because the French did most of the work for them.

  • whatupwiththat
    29 months ago

    To the surprise of NO ONE! Jeeze Lueeze. IS Every ONE an idiot now? ~ haven’t they been paying attention ~ all the WOW, GOTCHA moments that WERE ALWAYS THERE?! Suddenly they See?

      • Zorque
        69 months ago

        I think its less they think its bad and more they think its redundant. The problem is that not everyone has the same info they do, so spreading awareness (as you’re doing) is highly beneficial. Even if its just old news to them.

      • Chris Remington
        19 months ago

        Our only rule here are Beehaw is to be(e) nice. Your comment is not nice. Enjoy your week long vacation while you ponder this.